Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Three Week Plan

Ok so those of you that follow my blog will get the exclusive on what is going to be going on with me the next 3 weeks, as far as nutrition and exercise.

Week 1: Which is honestly going to start Friday 7/1...I will be trying out a very limited amount of carbs in my diet. I will eat the same breakfast (oatmeal with flaxseed, and wheat germ and scrambled of hard boiled egg whites) for lunch salad with either low sodium canned tuna, shrimp or boneless, skinless chicken breasts) and dinner will be grilled chicken and veggies. All snacks will either be fruits of veggies. I want to see how my bod responds to this.

Week 2: I will be doing the TurboFire 5-Day Inferno Plan. I didn't do it when I first started TurboFire but will be doing it this time around, since I am re-starting with a group on July 4th. :) WOO HOO I am ready!

Week 3: Well 3 days of week 3 will be dedicated to the 3-Day Cleanse. I will integrate this with a full workout routine of TurboFire since I kept it last time. I want to see if the results are any different this time around :)

Now I must preface I am not doing this to try to lose ma weight. It is more of an experiment to see how well my body responds to each week and to report back to you lovelies! So I am ready and amped to start tomorrow. I will report back every few days to let you know how it all goes!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A little update

I need to be in blogger prison right now lol. You know I have missed you all right? Well it has been a little hectic these past few weeks. I started a new fitness challenge on, did an Insurance Licensing Class for my job this week, BeachBody business, etc. So needless to say, I am in desparate need of a writing release.

I will say that I am nervous about going to California in July. It is one of those mental things where I haven't seen anyone from home since September and I want to make sure I am happy with how I look and comfortable with presenting my progress. I think I am just getting into my own head actually, but at the same time it is still a little nerve racking. But one thing I will say, is that I hope I can inspire some of my friends and family at home. That is really what it is always about for me...hoping that someone can see that you can get results and truly feel better when you know and do better for yourself.

My plan is to start TurboFire today back on week 2, in order to be on the same schedule as a friend of mine and to be accountability partners. I got all the way to week 7, but hey...I love Chalene so I can never get enough of it lol. I will also be looking into to some 5Ks for later on this year. I am not a runner at all...but I do think it would be an awesome achievement to complete 1 and then maybe a few more after that to improve my times.

I have found that in this fitness journey, it is so important to keep yourself engaged by setting more goals for yourself in addition to the weight loss component. It can be so discouraging if the only thing you look forward to is a number on the scale. The number on the scale matters for me, but I will be more likely to keep going with it even when the number is not what I want, if I know I am training for or trying to obtain something else. It is CRUCIAL to keep yourself motivated with other fitness and health related things in order to make this a true lifestyle change.

I will write more today or tomorrow, but wanted to give a little update while I am here at work....suppose to be working...but nevertheless lol Have an awesome day!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 3 of the Shakeology Clenase

Ok, so pretty much the same feeling as yesterday! Very good! Didn't have any problems at all with being light headed, dizzy, hungry or anything like that. Totally goes to show you that the ingredients in Shakeology are awesome, period! I am usually the type of person that if I don't "eat" something, I feel like I'm going to pass out. However, not the case here because the ingredients provide all the macronutrients needed to sustain a meal.

I will post my weight tomorrow morning and we will see how it went :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 2 of Shakeology Cleanse

Today was even better than yesterday! Feeling really good, really energized and kind of ready to take over the world. I did the two chocolates for breakfast and lunch, a banana for an afternoon snack, and then the greenberry for my last one. It was a lot easier to drink this time around. Maybe I was just going through some things yesterday lol. I think it is the wheatgrass that is surprising to the taste buds. I ate my salad for dinner and I am good.

Not hungry at all, again no headaches or pains, and was able to get in a good workout, without feeling completely exhausted. I am still pleasantly surprised how full I am, and stay full after drinking it. Tomorrow is my last day and I honestly think I could go another day if I wanted to, but I won't since I want this blog to reflect the true 3 day cleanse.

I am excited to see what the scale says on Friday, even though that is not my main concern, but it will be fun to see how the body responds.

Day 3 tomorrow! Exciting!