So I just got my Zumba DVD's in the mail yesterday. In the morning, I was not feeling well and had no motivation to workout until I saw the Mail Woman come into my workplace with the box. I was SO excited about it. I got home and popped that DVD in and OMG...I am in love! This is so perfect for me! I was moving and grooving the whole way through. I did the 20 minute express workout, and had so much fun I did it again.
This is the first time, in a long time, that I have wanted to hurry up and get that I could workout! AMAZING! I really think that this is going to be the catalyst to my weight loss and the one thing that is going to keep me all the way motivated! Maybe after I lose the weight, I can become a Zumba instructor! We will see!
I just had to share my excitement about this! That is all lol
Thats great! It's nice when you can find something health that motivates you to workout. I'm still searching for my motivation. Hopefuly I will find it soon. I'm doing good with my eating habits now but still struggle with the workout part of weight loss.